COVID-19 is the name of a novel virus that emerged in Wuhan, China in a wet market where live fauna was sold and it traveled along with the customers and consumers throughout the world in no time. The patients admitted to the hospital in emergencies complained of respiratory issues like cold, flu, cough, sneezing, fever, and shortness of breath. The emergencies were taken into account with the help of anti-asthmatic drugs, anti-allergic, and pain killers since the major complaint were of severe body ache. But the number of patients and deaths increased day by day from one country to another making the mystery yet incredible and serious.
When trauma was revolving around the globe causing harassment of death and disease, the deficiency of vaccine against COVID-19 urged the use of existing plants and herbs, their natural oils and essential oils to be used in raw form to combat or ameliorate the symptoms of coronavirus to get relief if not fully treated.
Our The Goodbye Company products as The Goodbye Company Tinnitus possess the ideal infusion of omega 9 oil with essential oils of Sandalwood, American Gingko, Hawthorn berry, and Helichrysum. These essential oils have the active ingredients that help to relieve the symptoms of COVID-19 whether they may be respiratory distress symptoms, digestive disturbances, skin irritation, inflammatory reactions, fever, and nervous disturbances.
The infusion of omega 9 oils with sandalwood and other essential oils exert a synergistic effect in the human body by acting on the receptor for the novel coronavirus, the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2), and exert a soothing effect on the symptoms created by the interaction of these receptors with the virus.
The essential oils are composed of small molecules with large surface area and get easily absorbed via different routes as skin and oral route and get fast metabolized just like food. The essential oils exert anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory effects in synergism with omega-9 oils.
Sandalwood Oil:
Sandalwood oil is present in several countries and extracted from the plants as oils known concerning its origin as Indian sandalwood oil, Australian sandalwood oil, European sandalwood oil, etc. The oil possesses many characteristic properties that help in the healing and soothing of symptoms that are peculiar of the coronavirus as anti-septic, diuretic, anti-spasmodic, cicatrisant, and anti-inflammatory effects. The anti-septic property helps to soothe the allergic reactions created by COVID-19 and gives relief to the septic and allergic reactions taking place on the skin and inside the body. As a diuretic, it relieves gastric disturbances by increasing the outflow of urine more and decreasing the intravascular volume to reduce the hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary capillaries. The anti-spasmodic effect is used to relieve the symptoms of severe body aches and pains in different parts of the body. The anti-inflammatory effects are provided with the help of sandalwood oil to lessen the inflammation and swelling on the skin and body. The cicatrisant property helps to regenerate cells causing skin-healing and skin growth. The sandalwood oil works as a sedative to give soothing and relaxing effects. It may act as a hypotensive agent to reduce blood pressure, as a memory booster by helping the nervous system, and as an expectorant. It helps to relieve the symptoms of COVID to a larger extent by relieving cough, aches, and cramps relaxing the abdominal muscles and intestines. The aroma of the sandalwood oil keeps the germs and insects and microbes away which makes its consumption more than all the oils.
American Ginkgo Biloba Oil:
The ginkgo Biloba oil is extracted from the famous plant of Ginkgo Biloba, which is native to American lands. The plant oil and extract have been used for centuries for their anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory effects, both of which are proven very useful for the treatment of COVID-19 effects. The Goodbye Company tinnitus has the essential oils in a highly compatible amount infused with omega 9- oil to combat the effects of coronavirus to a large extent by providing relief from respiratory distress and inflammation. Quercitin, bilobin, gingkolic acid, and other constituents provide immune-modulatory and anti-inflammatory effects by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine concentrations. It reduces the risk of respiratory diseases like asthma, sepsis as well the topical use provides beneficial effects against symptoms of COVID-19.
Hawthorn Oil:
Hawthorn or English hawthorn also known as neseed hawthorn, harthorne, haw, hawthorne¸ or in Latin nomenclature as Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus laevigata belongs to rose family. It is a common shrub or tree that grows in temperate areas worldwide. Previously, it has been used for cardiac disorders as well as for renal dysfunctions. It is now moderated for usage regarding hypotension or hypertension as well as for anxiety and similar disorders. Hawthorn has been used for research studies of cardiac failure, a condition in which the heart is unable to pump a sufficient quantity of blood that is required by body compartments. The Goodbye Company tinnitus consists of essential oils like hawthorn oil which has the potency to confront infectious and viral diseases like COVID-19.
In case when you are suffering from covid-19 infection then you may suffer from unpredictable symptoms like heart failure or congestive heart failure whereby the essential oils as Hawthorn infused with omega -9 oil takes part to reduce the effects on the heart proficiently.
Omega 9 Fatty Acid Oil:
Omega 9 fatty acids are important parts of dietary fats, which play an important role in the body by regulating the physiological functions in the body. Omega-9 fatty acids consist of one double called monosaturated, the best example of which is oleic acid that falls in the category of monosaturated omega-9 fatty acid. The Goodbye Company tinnitus product contains omega-9 fatty acids that regulate the cytokines in the body, the inflammatory mediators. Omega-9 fatty acid oils reduce inflammation in various organs like the liver and bronchi as in the case of COVID-19.
COVID-19 causes the inflammation of the lungs commonly known as bronchitis, which gets ameliorated by intake of essentials fatty acid oils (Omega-9 fatty acids oil) in synergism with other oils in The Goodbye Company products.
Clove Essential Oil:
Talking about the origin of clove essential oil, it belongs to Malacca islands and various regions of Indonesia, red-brown colored aromatic oil. It is extracted from the dried part of the clove tree and then proceeds for distillation with the help of relevant solvent in which it shows its maximum degree of dissolution. Clove essential oil can be used as an antimicrobial and antioxidant with cottonseed oil, along with the antifungal activity. Clove oil is used by many cosmetic companies in the manufacturing of soaps which play an important role to prevent bacterial, fungal, and microbial growth. The Goodbye Company tinnitus product consists of the clove essential oils for the treatment of lungs like cystic fibrosis and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) which are manifested prominently in case of COVID-19 attack. Clove oil reduces soreness and pain of the respiratory tract as well as the bronchiole tree.
Helichrysum Oil:
The helichrysum oil is a great anti-inflammatory oil that boosts the immune system of the body thus providing strength to the body to fight against infections. It promotes the healing power of the body by acting as an anti-infectious agent. It relieves the symptomatic manifestation of COVID-19 that is also great anti-bacterial and anti-viral thus combating the symptoms of COVID-19. The active ingredient of Helichrysum oil in combination with omega-9 oil provides great relief from the cold, cough, and respiratory distress effects of COVID-19 and is available in The Goodbye Company tinnitus oil.
The symptoms of coldness, respiratory distress, digestive disorders, renal disturbances, and all predominant symptoms of COVID-19 that have shaken the globe have been greatly relieved by The Goodbye Company tinnitus oil. The aromatic oils used in The Goodbye Company tinnitus oil have been proven to be highly effective against all the symptoms of COVID-19 by boosting the immune system of the body and enhancing the fighting capacity of the body against pathogenic organisms as viruses and bacteria.
The oils are available in our The Goodbye Company with the name of The Goodbye Company tinnitus that is provided in three to four combinations of infusions of omega-9 oil with either sandalwood, ginkgo Biloba, helichrysum or clove oil, or any other essential oils. These oils boost the immune system of the body and at the same time act as anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-infectious agents combating the effects of COVID-19 attack on the vital organs of the body and provides relief from shortness of breath, respiratory distress, fever, and body aches.