
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has become a widespread gynecological issue affecting millions of women worldwide. As the name suggests, the affected women develop multiple cysts (small fluid-filled sacs) in their ovaries. Though there is no definitive cause of PCOS, many factors such as obesity, family history, malnutrition, low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance play a contributing role or increase the risk for PCOS.

This chronic and incurable disorder is characterized by irregular periods, fertility issues, hirsutism, male-pattern baldness, and acne. Since the condition is manageable, many people opt for natural cures and complementary medicine because of fewer side effects than traditional medicine. One such great example of a natural remedy is the Castor Oil Packs.

Castor oil packs are packs or compresses usually made of cotton flannel to absorb the maximum amount of castor oil for easy and mess-free applications. But why castor oil?

It's because of the therapeutic properties of this natural elixir. Castor oil is obtained from the ripe castor beans of the Ricinus plant (botanically: Ricinus communis)-which is why it is also known as Ricinus oil. It has two major forms; the cold-pressed and the Jamaican black which vary based on their extraction procedures and penetration power. The Cold-pressed castor oil is obtained by simply pressing the high-quality castor beans under pressure whereas the latter type is made by roasting the finest-quality Jamaican castor beans and then pressing them hard to get the black elixir.

The Jamaican black castor oil penetrates more quickly into the skin and deep tissues compared to the cold-pressed one. This is due to the higher alkalinity owing to the ash content (as a result of roasting beans) in the oil. However, the therapeutic properties of both types of castor oil are the same because of their similar composition.

The active principle occupying a significant proportion in both types of castor oil is Ricinoleic acid in about 89-92%. Ricinoleic acid is a potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, emollient, and antimicrobial. Castor oil also contains several tocopherols, antioxidants, amino acids, and omega fatty acids which exert their unique pharmacological actions once get absorbed into the skin through castor oil packs. But how does this magical potion help relieve PCOS symptoms? What exactly is PCOS? Can castor oil packs break up ovarian cysts? Read on to know it all.

What Is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a disorder in which small fluid-filled cysts form along the outer edge of the ovaries. These cysts contain immature eggs (follicles) that fail to release eggs regularly each month causing problems with fertility- the major concern in PCOS. Typically, women with PCOS experience irregular periods with some months of heavy menstruation (menorrhagia) and some months of no menstruation (delayed periods).

Their condition is also accompanied by hormonal imbalance, particularly with a surge of androgen levels which causes male-pattern baldness, hirsutism, and severe acne. Early diagnosis is essential to manage the condition particularly maintaining body weight since PCOS symptoms are worse in obese women. 

Risk Factors:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Hereditary
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Long-term, low-grade inflammation


  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Prediabetes
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
  • Fertility issues or infertility
  • Miscarriage or premature birth
  • NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Obesity
  • Sleep apnea
  • Endometrial cancer

Management Plan for PCOS

Follow my management plan to alleviate and relieve PCOS symptoms.


A good diet contains all nutrients in a balanced proportion. So you must take your balanced meals regularly and avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, gluten, and preservatives.

Balanced Nutrition

Lean Proteins: Chicken, fish, tofu, goat meat, and legumes.

Whole Grains: Quinoa, whole wheat, and brown rice.

Healthy Fats: Avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Low GI Foods: Fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Regular Meals

Take your meals regularly and keep them small yet frequent. This will help manage blood sugar levels and prevent worsening of insulin resistance.

What Foods to Avoid?

Avoid processed foods including canned foods and edibles with loads of sugars, gluten, and preservatives.


Incorporate at least 25-30 minutes of exercise in your daily routine. This can be any cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling. You can also do lifting to help build muscle mass as increased muscle mass increases metabolism and decreases insulin resistance.

Stress Management

Try helping your hormonal balance and reduce the release of stress hormone (cortisol) by doing the following relaxing activities.

  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Adequate Sleep

You should get at least 8 hours of sleep because good sleep helps balance hormones and makes you more energized and revitalized.

Healing Therapies

Healing therapies notably include complementary medicine and herbal supplements as naturopaths recommend for relieving PCOS symptoms naturally. These treatment strategies have a major advantage over traditional medicine which is minimal to no risk of side effects and complications.

  • Castor Oil Packs (see below in detail how castor oil packs work for PCOS)
  • Acupuncture (some studies suggest that acupuncture helps reduce stress levels, and balance reproductive hormones and the menstrual cycle).
  • Herbal Supplements ( inositol, omega fatty acids, and other herbs such as cinnamon and turmeric that are excellent anti-inflammatory agents)


Consult your OB-GYN if you need any medication for PCOS symptoms such as menorrhagia, irregular periods, hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, or weight management. You may also need some nutritional supplements and medications to conceive while you are having PCOS. Such medications play a vital role in preventing the worsening of PCOS symptoms and other complications such as DM2, gestational diabetes, premature birth, and infertility.

How Do Castor Oil Packs Work for PCOS?

Though scientific studies and evidence to support the safety and efficacy of castor oil are limited, several anecdotal testimonials and experiences of people practicing naturopathy suggest that castor oil packs do work for PCOS. Naturopathy and knowledge of Ayurveda logically explain how castor oil and its products can help relieve PCOS symptoms.


Castor oil packs are effective for PCOS due to two major reasons. First is the design of the packs and second is the therapeutic properties of castor oil.


The Goodbye Company castor oil packs are made in a two-layer design. The inside layer is a 100% organic cotton flannel to absorb the maximum amount of castor oil into the pack. The cotton fabric is soft, comfortable, and breathable suitable for summers and also winters. The outer layer is a leak-proof certified polyester to prevent oil leakage and retain body heat and also warmth when you apply a heating pad over the pack or put a hot compress in the given pocket.

Moreover, this pack has elastic straps and button closures that help you snugly put it on your body with no worry of displacing the pack. Additional advantages, such as machine washability and non-stainable fabric will add to your pleasureful experience with The Goodbye Company castor oil packs.


Active Principles of Castor Oil

Therapeutic properties

Pharmacological Action

Ricinoleic acid

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, stimulant, laxative, emollient, antioxidant, antimicrobial

Reduces inflammation and pain in the pelvic region. Consequently, alleviates menstrual cramps and reduces the size of ovarian cysts. Improves digestion and kills free radicals causing oxidative stress. Also, kills microbes and prevents infections.

Linoleic acid


Balances hormones

Reduces inflammation in the lower abdomen and balances hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, and cortisol.

Oleic acid

Improves Lipid profile

Omega fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol and help in removing toxins from the body.

Vitamin E


Kills free radicals and prevents cells from oxidative stress thereby reducing inflammation and the risk of developing cysts.



Helps accelerate liver detoxification and improve lymphatic drainage resultantly reduces inflammation.


The Alleged Benefits of Castor Oil Packs for PCOS

  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, providing it with more oxygen and nutrients to support health and healing.
  • Supports the lymphatic system and boosts immunity. Helps in detoxification and removal of toxins and harmful wastes including bad fats in the pelvic area.
  • Helps reduce inflammation in the pelvic area thereby alleviating pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Mitigates pain associated with dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia due to PCOS.
  • Reduces cortisol levels and stress and helps balance reproductive hormones.
  • Improves digestion, and relieves constipation and bloating.
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests castor oil packs reduce the size and number of cysts in the ovaries.
  • With all such benefits being said, COPs help manage fertility problems. However, more studies are required to prove this claim scientifically.

How to Do Castor Oil Packs for PCOS?

Gather your supplies:

3-Step Process

  1. Wash your hands and take out your castor oil pack. Pour one tablespoon of the organic castor oil over the pack but avoid the edges to prevent mess. Apply it to your lower abdomen. Make sure your skin is clean and dry and has no open wounds or cuts. You can wear it for at least 30 minutes. However, a 60-minute session is also safe and effective. Wear the pack on the go or lie down to relax.
  2. For relaxation and meditation, spread an old towel on the surface (either sofa, couch, or bed where you’ll sit or lie down). Then, put the pack on and use a heating pad for added warmth. The warmth from the heating pad will help the oil absorb quickly, activate its pharmacological actions, and provide soothing.
  3. Repeat the session 3-4 times a week for several months. You may alter the duration and frequency of application according to your body's response to relieve PCOS symptoms. Nevertheless, consult your OB-GYN before starting this natural remedy and discuss the potential allergies and interactions.

Precautions and Care

You should not apply castor oil packs or use with care if you are:

  • Pregnant because castor oil may induce false uterine contractions leading to premature labor and childbirth.
  • Menstruating heavily. In other words, if you have menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea you should not apply castor oil packs during these days as the oil may enhance abdominal cramping and blood flow. Nevertheless, you can use COPs on your light bleeding days with a heating pad to ease and relax your uterine muscles.
  • Allergic to castor oil or if you have sensitive skin prone to breakouts or have any particular skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis. Moreover, do not apply castor oil packs to open wounds, abscesses, infection, and injury sites.
  • Suffering from certain medical conditions such as IBS/IBD, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, kidney disease, or neurological issues. Consult your healthcare professional if you can use castor oil packs with care and caution.


How often do you apply castor oil packs for PCOS?

You can apply castor oil packs about 3 to 7 days a week. 3-4 times per week is the safest option as this minimizes the risk of side effects such as abdominal cramps, nausea, and skin irritation. Also, skip the menstruation days as castor oil may increase cramping and blood flow.

Can castor oil break up ovarian cysts?

Well, there is no definitive study to prove that castor oil can break up ovarian cysts. However, naturopaths recommend applying castor oil packs on your lower abdomen owing to the natural therapeutic properties of castor oil, such as detoxification, reduction of inflammation and stress, and stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation.

According to a concept in alternative medicine, castor oil accelerates blood and lymph flow to your reproductive area, reduces inflammation and release of stress hormones, and removes the toxic build-up in the ovaries. All these processes in the long run help reduce and dissolve ovarian cysts. However, the efficacy may vary independently and prominent results may appear late following regular use.

Also Read: Castor Oil Packs for Bartholin Cysts: Facts and Myths

For how long should we do castor oil packs for PCOS?

You must wear a castor oil pack regularly for at least 30 to 60 minutes 3 or 4 times a week. You may start with a lower frequency of application viz twice weekly for at least 30 minutes. This is to evaluate how your body responds to this natural therapy and what your needs are for COPs.  However, always consult your OB-GYN before starting any natural remedy to avoid allergies and interactions with your ongoing care plans. Moreover, remember that long-term use gives long-term relief as consistency is the key.

How to make castor oil packs for PCOS?

Take a large piece of cotton flannel and fold it multiple times to get a thick pack. Now just pour the castor oil over the pack and apply it to your abdomen. Though this DIY pack is easy to make, its handling is messy, uncomfortable, and challenging.

Therefore, you can buy ready-to-wear castor oil packs for abdominal application since these are easy to use. These packs come with an adjustable strap so you can snugly fit it to your abdomen and these won't slip sideways. Moreover, these packs have two layers; the inside of which is a real cotton flannel to absorb the oil and the upper one is to retain the heat and activate the oil's active ingredients to benefit you.

Does castor oil support fertility in PCOS?

Yes, castor oil indirectly supports fertility in PCOS. PCOS symptoms like problems with conceiving and weight gain occur due to unhealthy gut metabolism and accumulation of fats and toxins in the trunk area. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a potent anti-inflammatory and laxative; this active principle aids in reducing inflammation, detoxifying toxins, and removing harmful wastes from the body. In this way, it manages normal body weight, hormonal levels, and reproductive health.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, castor oil packs offer a promising natural approach to relieving PCOS symptoms. You can safely apply them to your lower abdomen for 30-60 minutes thrice or four times a week. Upon consistent use, you may notice a visible decrease in inflammation and bloating in your lower abdomen. You may feel a reduction in stress levels and an improvement in your mood due to the balancing of your reproductive hormones. Moreover, you may feel more energized and experience a good loss in your body weight, supporting fertility.

Well, these claims are only based on anecdotal evidence and experience of people practicing naturopathy. More scientific evidence is required to prove the efficacy of castor oil packs for PCOS. Anyhow, the ease of application and potential benefits of castor oil suggest using this natural remedy as the simplest and most powerful step toward managing polycystic ovarian syndrome.

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