
You might have heard or seen people putting castor oil into their eyes to make them brighter, hydrated, or less irritated. This is one of the scariest internet hacks on TikTok, misleading people for the sake of promotions, likes, and views.

Though castor oil is used in several cosmetics, skin and hair care products, and medications, applying it directly in pure form can be highly dangerous. Because you never know if a non-medicated or non-branded product will be contaminated or spurious. You may also never know if you are allergic to castor oil or any component of it. 

Therefore, just doing it after you watch it is not a brilliant idea. You must research before using anything on your body, particularly your delicate and sensitive body parts like the eyes. Well, if you have reached my blog, you don't need to go elsewhere because here, I will explain how to use castor oil safely for your eyes. I will also highlight the worst consequences of getting castor oil into your eyes and ways to use it effectively.

What Happens if You Get Castor Oil in Your Eye?

Castor oil is a potent stimulant irritant. It can cause severe irritation, redness, and discomfort in the eyes. The oil can also form a thick, sticky layer over the cornea, which is typically difficult to remove and can cause temporary blurred vision. Prolonged exposure may cause severe allergic reactions and permanent corneal damage.

Moreover, since the oil is not sterile, it may be contaminated and cause severe eye infections. Therefore, you should never instill castor oil into your eyes at home as a DIY remedy unless prescribed as medication for indications such as dry eyes and MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction).

Nevertheless, if you accidentally get castor oil into your eyes, try my following first-aid:

  1. Rinse your eyes thoroughly with lukewarm water or sterile saline solution.
  2. Do not rub your eyes.
  3. Use artificial tears or cold rosewater to help soothe your eyes.
  4. Seek medical attention if the pain and itchiness do not go away.

How to Use Castor Oil for Eyes Safely?

So now that you know castor oil is not typically meant for instillation into the eyes as it is a potent irritant, learn how to use castor oil safely for the eyes. Here, I will discuss the top 3 castor oil applications for the eyes.

  • Dry eyes
  • Dark circles
  • Eyelash growth

1. How to Use Castor Oil for Dry Eyes?

Since you should not instill castor oil into your eyes, you can try these three methods to help your dry eyes.

a. Eyelid Massage

You can help your dry eyes by massaging them regularly using an organic cold-pressed castor oil. It helps your clogged meibomian glands open up and reduces inflammation in the blood vessels. For this instant remedy, dip your ring fingers into the oil and gently massage your eyelids in a circular motion while your eyes are closed. However, do not heavily saturate your fingers to avoid oil dripping into your eyes.

b. Castor Oil Warm Compress

Lock moisture and hydration into your eyes using your DIY castor oil warm compress. To try this instant remedy, pour castor oil into a bowl and apply a few drops using a sterile dropper to your closed eyelids. Gently massage with your ring fingers (as they apply the slightest pressure) for about 5 minutes.

Then, dip a clean, sterile cloth or cotton pad in warm water. Wring the cloth or pad to remove excess water and place it over your closed eyelids. Sit back and relax. The warmth from the compress provides calmness to your eyes and enhances oil absorption into the skin, thereby hydrating and moisturizing them naturally without being instilled with castor oil.

c. Castor Oil Eye Mask

This remedy is similar to the one mentioned above, but instead of using a warm compress, you can use a sterile pad or your regular eye mask. Relax for 15-20 minutes regularly to significantly improve dry eyes. Alter the duration and frequency of applications depending on your body's response and needs.

d. How Long Does Castor Oil Take to Work for Dry Eyes?

You may notice initial improvement in your signs and symptoms in 1-2 weeks. However, natural remedies take longer, so you may observe visible and significant changes in about 2-3 months.

2. How To Use Castor Oil for Dark Circles?

The undereye area is sensitive and delicate, so you should not apply castor oil directly. It's because castor oil is irritating and may cause severe rash in susceptible people. But since castor oil is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and emollients, it's a magical elixir to lighten your dark circles, hydrate the undereye area, and reduce puffiness. To incorporate this oil, you can make a DIY undereye serum for dark circles.

First, gather the following supplies:

  • 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin cold-pressed castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E
  • 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil
  • Dark-colored dropper bottle
  • Small funnel
  • A Bowl for mixing

Follow these steps:

  • Take a clean and dry bowl and add all the oils into it. Gently stir and then add essential oils to the oily mixture. Pour this DIY undereye serum into a dark-colored (or amber glass) dropper bottle using a funnel.
  • Refrigerate the serum for a few minutes until cool. Apply a few drops on your under eyes and enjoy this cool, soothing serum.
  • Massage using your ring finger (it applies the slightest pressure) in a circular motion for about 20 minutes. You can also do this at night and leave the serum overnight for the best results.
  • Use it once or twice daily regularly for at least four weeks to see the visible improvement. For best results, continue for 2-3 months. Nevertheless, alter the duration and frequency of use depending on your body's response and needs.

a. What Does Castor Oil Do for Dark Circles?

The following are the benefits to your undereye area when regularly applying your DIY castor oil serum for dark circles.

  • Plumpier and healthier undereye skin
  • Reduces puffiness and swelling
  • Lightens and brightens hyperpigmented area
  • Aids in rejuvenating and regenerating skin cells

b. How Long Does Castor Oil Take to Work for Dark Circles?

You may notice signs of initial improvement within one to two weeks of consistent use. Significant reduction of puffiness and hyperpigmentation may be noticeable after four to six weeks of daily overnight application. Continue for two to three months if you want lasting effects.

3. How to Apply Castor Oil to Eyelashes?

First, gather the following supplies:

Follow these steps:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleansing milk. Then, wipe your eyes with micellar water and cotton pads to ensure no makeup is left behind.
  • Pour castor oil into a bowl or directly use it from the bottle.
  • Dip your clean mascara wand or a cotton swab into the oil, but don't heavily saturate your tool. This is to avoid dripping the oil into your eyes.
  • Carefully apply castor oil to your upper and lower eyelashes, from the roots to the tips.
  • Use a towel or a tissue to adsorb any excess oil from your lash line.
  • Leave it overnight and wipe it off with micellar water or a gentle cleanser.
  • For the best results, religiously apply it daily or twice daily. You may see visible results in a month or two.

NOTE: Ensure your applicators and tools are sterile and debris-free. Also, use the finest-quality castor oil, which should be organic and pure. Moreover, do a patch test before using castor oil directly on your delicate body areas.

a. What Does Castor Oil Do for Eyelashes?

Castor oil works wondrously for your eyelashes. Though it's not proven that castor oil directly increases hair growth, some scientific reports say castor oil facilitates eyelash growth and makes them appear fuller, thicker, and lustrous.  So, see how this natural serum works:

  • Promoting Growth

Castor oil indirectly promotes eyelash growth due to its enriched composition. The oil comprises about 89-92% ricinoleic acid that can potentially inhibit prostaglandin D2 and prevent hair loss. Castor oil is also rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin E that help eyelashes get adequately nourished and appear thicker. Moreover, vitamin E locks in moisture and gives your eyelashes a subtle luster.

  • Strengthening

All the nutrients of castor oil, such as triglycerides, fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, collectively strengthen the hair follicles of your eyelashes, thereby reducing breakage and shedding.

  • Anti-inflammatory & Antimicrobial

Ricinoleic acid- the active principal of castor oil, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Ricinoleic acid potentially inhibits cyclooxygenase enzymes involved in the production of inflammation-mediating prostaglandins. It also inhibits other prostaglandin receptors, reducing inflammation in the blood and lymphatic vessels.

This mechanism promotes blood and lymph flow, providing hair follicles with adequate nutrition and oxygen. Moreover, ricinoleic acid is a powerful antimicrobial that can kill bacteria in eyelash follicles, causing infection (styes or chalazion) and inhibiting lash growth.

  • Moisturizing

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, omega fatty acids, and vitamin E, which are excellent moisturizers and emollients. When you apply this oil to your eyelash lines, it gets absorbed into the hair follicles and hydrates them adequately like a plant. The hair follicles then get revived from the roots and grow gaily.

  • Improving appearance

Regular application of castor oil eventually makes your lashes look healthy, lustrous, and voluminous.

b. How Long Does Castor Oil Take to Work on Eyelashes?

The time castor oil takes to work on your eyelashes and show visible results varies from person to person. This could be because of the difference in each person's body response to the remedy and dietary needs. People who take healthy meals enriched with protein, biotin, zinc, and selenium respond better and get faster results with natural therapies than those who don't take appropriate nutrition.

Therefore, some people notice fuller and thicker eyelashes in four to six weeks, whereas others get the same results in about two to three months. All you need to do is religiously apply this natural eyelash growth serum every day before bed since consistency is the key.


How to Use Castor Oil For Eyelashes?

Simply dip a Q-tip or a clean mascara wand in pure, cold-pressed castor oil and apply it to your upper and lower lash lines. Also, apply the oil to your eyelashes as you apply mascara, but be careful not to overdo it. Too much castor oil may clog the pores on your lash line and cause styes or chalazion. Moreover, wash your eyes thoroughly the following day and clean your eyelashes using good-quality micellar water.

What Does Castor Oil Do for Eyebrows?

Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid and omega-9 fatty acids. These healthy fats help eyebrow hair grow faster and become thicker. The oil also comprises rich amounts of vitamin E, a must-have nutrient for hair growth.

Vitamin E helps boost blood circulation and seals moisture in your eyebrows, making them appear fuller and more lustrous. Regularly apply this magical elixir using a mascara wand or a cotton pad, and in just two to three months, your thin eyebrows will transform into the 2os’ trendy, untamed brows.

How to Make Castor Oil Eye Drops?

DIY ‘castor oil eye drops’ is the scariest internet remedy. It is because castor oil is enriched with ricinoleic acid, a potent stimulant irritant that may cause severe eye irritation, itchiness, and temporary blurred vision. Therefore, making castor oil medication home for your delicate and precious eyes is unsafe.

Moreover, this magical elixir is only prescribed to people suffering from MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction) and dry eyes, where its lipids help their dry eyes lubricate and stabilize tear formation. If you suffer from such a situation, use prescribed and FDA-approved eye drops with minimum castor oil concentration.

How Long Does Castor Oil Take to Grow Eyebrows?

Natural remedies take longer to show desired results than laboratory-prepared harsh chemicals. If you wish to witness a visible increase in the length and volume of your brows, you must use pure castor oil mixed with a few drops of peppermint or rosemary essential oil and diluted with argan oil religiously every night for two to three months.

Where to Buy Castor Oil for Eyebrow Hair Growth?

Look nowhere when you have a trusted, family-owned brand focused on nature and natural therapies like The Goodbye Company, where you can get various castor oils for a multitude of indications. You can either buy their popular cold-pressed, extra-virgin castor oil or the Jamaican black or their exquisite black and gold castor oil to boost your eyebrow growth. All of these are 100% pure and free from BPA, GMOs, and parabens.

Key Takeaways

  • Castor oil is a potent stimulant irritant besides being a good anti-inflammation, analgesic, laxative, and emollient.
  • If you accidentally or intentionally instill/pour castor oil into your eyes, you may suffer from severe irritation, redness, itchiness, pain, swelling, and temporary blurred vision.
  • If castor oil is not sterile, it may cause eye infections.
  • Never put castor oil into your eyes unless prescribed as a medication with an approved formulation and packaging.
  • You may apply castor oil to your closed eyelids, followed by warm compresses or eye masks, to soothe your dry eyes without getting the oil into your eyes.
  • You can use castor oil under your eyes to remove dark circles naturally. However, use the oil as a DIY serum (the secret recipe is mentioned above).
  • You can also apply castor oil to your eyelashes to make them look fuller, thicker, and lustrous (the detailed application method is mentioned above). For the best results, apply religiously for 2-3 months.

1 comment

  • Paul


    What is the qualification of the person who wrote the above report? I have been using this castor oil and is a perfect remedy for my dry eyes. Just use it at night and you will be good to go the next morning. There was no itching no redness the next day.

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