
Yeast infection (vulvovaginal candidiasis), in addition, to causing irritation, itching, burning, and pain, also causes swelling. That vaginal swelling is somewhat different from what you experience after sex or masturbation. Typically, it involves vulva, vagina, clitoris, and labia inflammation which is truly a discomforting condition.

Many people with recurrent yeast infections contract extremely severe vaginal swelling that does not mitigate quickly. So even while having their yeast infection treatment, people ask, “ How to Make the Swelling Go Down From a Yeast Infection?” which is essential for everyone to know. And for that purpose, here I compiled this complete guide to learning all about swelling down there, its symptoms, other causes, home remedies, and prevention tips. So let’s dig in!

Vaginal/vulva swelling from a yeast infection is due to the build-up of Candida, which proliferates indefinitely in given favorable conditions (warmth and moisture). Though OTC or prescription antifungals, either topical or oral, kills Candida and mitigate the symptoms, you can still try using ice packs to soothe the inflammation quickly. Home remedies like this fasten the healing process. However, before you try any treatment, you must first identify if the swelling is only because of yeast infection or if there’s something fishy.  Explore below to learn.

How To Identify Unusual Swelling Down There?

Firstly, you must investigate whether you have a yeast infection since these are the most common infections in women that frequently cause vaginal swelling. Also, many patients have asymptomatic yeast infections and severe swelling- don’t know what’s happening, so investigate it quickly.

For that purpose, consult your gynecologist, state your complaints (symptoms), and get a pelvic examination. You can also do a vaginal fluid culture test to identify the causative organism. If you finally test positive, your vaginal swelling is because of yeast infection. If it’s negative, and you don’t have a yeast infection,  rule out other causes and ask yourself a few questions.

  • Have you had rough sex recently?
  • Did you vigorously masturbate yourself with sex toys?
  • Are you pregnant and having recurring yeast infections?
  • Is it your second trimester, and you have terrible itching down there?
  • Did you use any new scented feminine products you have never used before, such as tampons, sanitary pads, lubricants, contraceptive devices, body lotions, and soaps?
  • Did you practice unprotected sex, and there’s a chance you may contract an STI?
  • Did you wash your underwear appropriately? Is it possible that a chemical-laden detergent may be left behind on the fabric?
  • Do you think it can be bacterial vaginosis or any suspicious cysts?

You can write down your answers to these questions on paper. This step will help you get the most possible causes, i.e., what can or cannot be. Scroll down to learn the other causes of vaginal swelling and get instant treatments.

You May Also Notice Symptoms Like…

If you have swelling down there due to yeast infection or any kind of infection, you may also notice symptoms like;

  • Itching and irritation in the vagina, vulva, clitoris, or labia
  • Redness throughout the genitalia
  • Pain while inserting tampon or penis (penetrating sex)
  • Burning sensation or pain during urination
  • Changes in the vaginal discharge (it can be thick, chunky, and smelly)
  • Light bleeding to spotting between periods.

Home Remedies And OTC Drugs To Treat Swelling Go Down From A Yeast Infection

You can try the following home remedies and interventions to help mitigate the swelling, regardless of the cause. Remember that home remedies and OTC medicines cannot replace medical treatment with prescription drugs. These remedies take time to work, and consistent application is the key. However, combining these organic cures with prescription treatment is best to fasten the healing process.

Ice Pack

Take an ice pack or a cool compress and apply it for 15 minutes over your pelvic region. Repeat the process several times a day to soothe the inflammation.

Sitz Bath

Soaking yourself in warm water with added salts; sitz bath also helps to make the swelling go down from a yeast infection. Sitz baths also help a Bartholin’s cyst to drain after bathing several times for up to 4 days. However, if you have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, do not soak yourself multiple times daily since it can deprive your vagina of good bacteria that keep Candida in check.


Probiotic-rich foods, according to numerous research, help replenish good bacteria in the gut and the vagina. Adding yogurt or kefir to your daily diet is best if you have recurrent yeast infections causing swelling down there.

Also Read: What Yogurt is Best for Treating Yeast Infection

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Apple cider vinegar drink is a popular home remedy to treat yeast infections that may cause vaginal swelling. For this purpose, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Take it at least three times daily. Avoid drinking too much if you have piles, peptic ulcers, or gut acidity.

Vaginal Creams With Garlic

Organic creams that contain antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as garlic or thyme can also work best against yeast infections. Though there’s limited research about this, these are effective and mild.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

You can use OTC anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen to help with inflammation of the vagina or labia caused by allergy or irritation. However, if you have irregular menstruation, are at menopause, or otherwise suffer from any condition involving abnormal vaginal bleeding, do not use such NSAIDs. Hydrocortisone cream can also work if you have vaginal swelling due to an allergic reaction.

Anti-Fungal Medications

OTC antifungals for topical use, including clotrimazole 1%, miconazole 1%, or nystatin, can help treat mild to moderate yeast infections that may be causing vaginal swelling. Apply 3-4 times daily for the best results.


Anti-histamines such as Benadryl or Claritin can work if you have swelling due to an allergic reaction. Therefore, always identify the cause before you treat it.


  • Avoid anything that contains allergens or chemical irritants.
  • Practice good hygiene and safe sex.
  • Replace scented tampons with cotton-layered or breathable sanitary pads
  • Wear dry and not damp, loose-fitting clothes.
  • Always wear cotton underwear.
  • Avoid scented “feminine hygiene” products.
  • Prefer barrier contraception (condoms).
  • Use lubrication to avoid rough sex.
  • Do not douche.
  • Take probiotics
  • Limit the intake of sugar.
  • Do not use antibiotics for prolonged periods; if it’s essential, consult your physician to help prevent yeast infections that may cause vaginal swelling.

Other Causes Of Vaginal/Vulva/ Labia Swelling

You must know other underlying reasons if your vaginal swelling is not due to yeast infection. So, here’s a glimpse into other causes of vagina/vulva/labia swelling and their quick solutions.

Cause Solution
Bacterial Vaginosis (Bacterial infection in the vagina) Avoid home remedies. Consult a physician for an accurate antibiotic treatment.
Trichomoniasis Consult a physician for proper testing and treatment.
Genital herpes No treatment is available. Prescription medications can help prevent and soothe the symptoms.
STIs (Gonorrhea, Chlamydia) Treat STis with your doctor.
Pregnancy Take a pregnancy test and visit your gynecologist.
Bartholin’s cyst (cyst in Bartholin’s gland that lubricates the vagina) If not painful, try a sitz bath or warm compress several times daily for up to 4 days. If discomforting, visit your consultant, and get a swab test and biopsy done to rule out underlying causes for accurate treatment.
Rough sex The vagina heals on its own; you can try a cold compress if you like. Don’t practice rough sex.
Allergic reaction to feminine hygiene products or contraceptives Remove allergens, use antihistamines (topical or oral) or hydrocortisone cream.
Genital Crohn’s disease Try sitz bath. If it does not respond, consult a physician; she will prescribe antiseptics, topical steroids, and calcineurin inhibitors.
Sexual assault Visit RAINN in the US for free and confidential support.

When To Seek Medical Attention?

See medical attention if the swelling persists with intense pain and discomfort even after trying home remedies. Visit your consultant if you notice unusual vaginal discharge, foul smell, or lumpy mass in the vaginal area. Moreover, if your vaginal swelling is accompanied by fever and chills, you immediately need a doctor.


How Long Does It Take For The Swelling To Go Down From A Yeast Infection?

Well, that depends on the severity of the swelling and yeast infection, and of course, on the treatment choice. If you take OTC antifungals with home remedies (such as intake of probiotics) for mild to moderate swelling, it can go down in 3-7 days. However, antifungal treatment for severe infections and vaginal inflammation may take several days to weeks.

Is Vaginal Swelling Normal With Yeast Infection?

Yes, vaginal swelling is expected with a yeast infection, which occurs due to the build-up of Candida. Mild to moderate swelling typically goes down with conventional yeast infection treatment and is not a concern as long as the condition does not persist.

Can Ice Packs Or Cold Compressions Reduce Yeast Infection Swelling?

Yes, ice packs or cold compressions help soothe vaginal inflammation. You can safely apply a pack for about 15 minutes several times daily.

Can Periods Remove Yeast Infection?

Yes, periods can indeed remove yeast infection because of the high vaginal pH during menstruation; a higher than normal pH can kill Candida. But it’s always good to treat yeast infection and yeast infection swelling with OTC medications rather than waiting for a natural process to work. Treat it before it gets complicated.

Why Does Yeast Infection Cause Swelling Down There?

It happens due to an overgrowth of Candida (yeast).

What Is Swelling In The Pubic Area Female Treatment?

You can try cold compresses and sitz baths. If it’s because of allergy or irritation to a chemical product, try antihistamines, and if it’s because of the infection, take antimicrobials.

What Does Vulvar Inflammation Look Like?

You may see fluid-filled blisters or white patches all over your genitalia accompanied by redness, irritation, pus, and swelling.

How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection In 24 Hours?

You can take Monistat 1 to eliminate yeast infection in 24 hours.

How To Stop Swelling Down There Instantly?

You can apply hydrocortisone cream to stop swelling and irritation down there immediately. It will provide temporary relief, so you must also treat the underlying cause.

Is It Normal To Have Swollen Vulva After Sex?

Your vagina and vulva may swell after sex, which is entirely natural. It occurs due to arousal that promotes increased blood circulation to the area, and your vagina looks puffy.

Closing On A High Note

Yeast infection always causes swelling of the vagina and vulva, which is typically not a significant concern. The reason is yeast infection treatment can completely eradicate vaginal inflammation. However, in the case of recurrent and severe yeast infections, mild to moderate vaginal swelling may remain after the antifungal treatment regimen. So how to make the swelling go down from a yeast infection? You can try home remedies such as cold compresses, sitz baths, probiotics, apple cider vinegar, and others, as mentioned above. These organic solutions, along with antifungal medications, can soothe yeast infection swelling really fast.


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